Home Care Blog>In Home Care | May 28, 2019
Low bone mass impacts 54 million Americans according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Two million seniors suffer from fractures and often have to have professional home care due to fractures relating to bone loss.
Fractures relating to osteoporosis start to creep up when a person reaches 50, and women are at a much higher risk of an osteoporosis-related fracture than men. Women are at a 50% higher risk than men for fractures, and there’s a 50% chance that women will have a fracture due to osteoporosis if they’re over 50.
Preventing osteoporosis requires a multi-prong approach which starts with a home care plan. Genetic factors play a role in the risks of getting osteoporosis, and bone thinning starts occurring as young as in a person’s 20s.
Adolescents can follow a nutritious diet, and engage in physical activity to be able to maintain some of their bone mass.
Adults and seniors that have bone mass loss will not be able to stop bone loss completely, but steps can be followed to treat osteoporosis.
Multiple treatment options are available for osteoporosis, and the severity of the disease will determine the right approach for you. Home care professionals can help you stick to treatment plans.
Options that are available for treating this condition are:
Diet is also crucial in treating osteoporosis. Increased levels of calcium and vitamin D may help encourage bone growth and strengthen bones. A dietitian will be able to help you follow a diet that promotes bone health and strength.
Exercise and physical therapy are also recommended. A combination of therapies works best, and physical therapy can:
Physical therapy can reduce the risk of falls making it less likely of fractures or bones breaking. Walking is not enough. It’s also recommended that, when physically possible, a person engage in weight training.
Physical therapists will work with seniors to find the best exercise routine for you.
When combined with a proper diet and treatment, exercise and fall prevention will help lessen the impact of osteoporosis and lower the risks of fractures or broken bones.
At Comfort Keepers®, we create individual care plans for every client. These plans include wellness goals that consider physical, mental and emotional health. Our caregivers can help support physician-prescribed diet and exercise plans, provide medication reminders, provide transportation to appointments and help seniors engage in the activities they love the most. And, our caregivers can help senior stay connected with loved ones through video chats, phone calls and care updates. We believe that every senior should experience the best in life.
Contact the Comfort Keepers Calgary office to learn more about how we can help maintain safety, comfort, and happiness in the home.
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