450 Hespeler Road Unit G211, Office #4 Cambridge, ON N1R 0E3, Canada

About Comfort Keepers

Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and other adults in need of assistance with daily activities. Our highly trained and dedicated caregivers can help your loved one stay in their home for as long as safely possible—a dream come true for many elders.

Areas Served

Uplifting In-Home Care Services for Seniors & Other Adults Right Where You Need It. Comfort Keepers Cambridge, ON provides in home care services and senior care in the following cities in Cambridge: Cambridge

eldercare by our caregivers

About You

Being involved in your loved one’s care is important since you are the person who knows them the most. You know everything about their needs, wants, desires and preferences, likes and dislikes, habits, routines, concerns and all the other things that make them an individual.

Providing in home care for a loved one is important – here’s what you should know

Across the country, adult children, spouses, partners, and neighbors provide meaningful care for senior loved ones. For many, this means balancing a career, family, and other responsibilities with the commitment of caregiving. All caregivers give selflessly to bring compassion, assistance, and companionship to those they care for.

The work of family caregivers is important and, unfortunately, often overlooked. Comfort Keepers of Cambridge understands that without family caregivers, many seniors would be unable to receive the daily in home care they need.

If you are a primary caregiver for a senior loved one, know that you are not alone. Read these Family Caregiving Facts to learn about the portrait of caregiving in Canada. See how others are experiencing the same joys, struggles, uncertainties, and stress as you. Find the resources and professional assistance you need to provide the best possible care for your loved one.

8.1 million Canadians are caregivers

Over a quarter of Canadian adults reported providing care to a chronically ill, disabled, or aging friend or loved one. This included driving to appointments, preparing meals, help with bathing and grooming, and administering medication.

Source: http://www.chpca.net/media/153773/caregiver_day_-_fact_sheet.pdf

50% of caregivers are between the ages of 45 and 65

This group of adults is often raising children of their own, building a career, and possibly facing health concerns of their own.

Source: http://www.carerscanada.ca/carer-facts/

Women are more likely than men to assume the role of caregiver for a senior loved one

Women make up 54% of Canadian family caregivers. For women with careers, children, and other responsibilities, this can mean less time for self-care and more time spent on caregiving.

Source: https://www.qualicare.com/toronto-south/about-us/blog/6-facts-about-family-caregivers-stats-/

Common caregiving tasks include incidental transportation and meal preparation

73% of caregivers report that providing accompanied transportation is the most frequent type of in home care provided. Other common tasks include meal preparation, laundry, cleaning, house maintenance, scheduling appointments and helping with medical treatments.

Source: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-652-x/89-652-x2013001-eng.htm

Most caregivers do not live in the same household as the seniors they are caring for. Personal travel time often builds into overall time spent providing in home care, which on average is between 10 and 30 hours a week.

Did you know that in Canada, caregivers spent $12.6 million in one year on expenses related to their caring role? This included gas, child care, lost income due to time off at work, food and household items for loved one, medical expenses and more.

You may feel surprised by these facts and figures. But you should not feel worried, afraid, or alone. As the role of family caregiver is researched and understood, more resources and support become available. If you feel burdened or overwhelmed providing in home care for a loved one, consider working with Comfort Keepers.

We have offices in Cambridge and Brantford, ON, serving the surrounding areas. Our caring staff can work with you to create a personalized plan of care that will meet the needs of your unique situation. We offer a variety of professional care services and access to caregiver resources and organizations.

To learn more about the services in your area, please contact us today!

Individualized Home Care Options

Long-Term Home Care, 24 Hour Home Care & Short Term Care Options Customized for You