450 Hespeler Road Unit G211, Office #4 Cambridge, ON N1R 0E3, Canada

About Comfort Keepers

Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and other adults in need of assistance with daily activities. Our highly trained and dedicated caregivers can help your loved one stay in their home for as long as safely possible—a dream come true for many elders.

Areas Served

Uplifting In-Home Care Services for Seniors & Other Adults Right Where You Need It. Comfort Keepers Cambridge, ON provides in home care services and senior care in the following cities in Cambridge: Cambridge

eldercare by our caregivers

About You

Being involved in your loved one’s care is important since you are the person who knows them the most. You know everything about their needs, wants, desires and preferences, likes and dislikes, habits, routines, concerns and all the other things that make them an individual.

Senior Tips


As the sun shines brighter and the temperatures rise, summer brings a sense of excitement and adventure. However, for our beloved seniors, this season can present unique challenges to their health and well-being. Whether you’re an elder caretaker or a concerned family member, ensuring the safety of your aging loved ones during the summer months […]


Spring is a season that is often associated with rejuvenation and renewal. As the weather warms up and the flowers begin to bloom, we are reminded of the beauty of nature and the possibilities of new beginnings. However, spring is not only a time for physical renewal but also a time for focusing on mental […]

Weight Struggles Common for Senior Adults

When it comes to maintaining one’s health and weight, we’ve heard it countless times—exercise more and eat less. But most of the specific information we hear is aimed at younger adults. While the basics of managing weight still apply to older adults, they tend to gain weight for different reasons and in different ways. And, […]

Better Sleep for Seniors: Winter Tips for a Cozy Slumber

Everyone loves a good sleep, right? But what if you don’t sleep well during the winter months? Those dark winter mornings can be rough to get out of bed. Have you been having difficulty getting to sleep lately? Everyone knows that Winter is the season of hibernation and slumber. But there are situations in which […]

Sweet Dreams: Managing Sleep Changes in Older Adults

The inability to stay asleep and insomnia are common complaints of older adults. While it is not uncommon for them to sleep more lightly than they did when they were younger, they still need a good night’s sleep. Having insomnia or feeling sleepy throughout the day could be representative of underlying problems. Just as with […]

Benefits of Shopping for Older Adults

Many older adults lead active, fulfilling lives that break down the cliché of aging grandparents sitting passively on rocking chairs waiting for family visits. These older individuals are integrated, interactive participants in their communities, which in turn contributes to their overall wellbeing. However, being active does not necessarily mean older adults need a full schedule […]

How to achieve a perfect retirement plan

The best part of aging gracefully is that you don’t need to rush into things. You may be thinking, “No way I’m going to wait until I’m 60 years old to start investing in my retirement” or “What is a perfect retirement plan?” You’ve come to the right place because this blog post will cover […]

Individualized Home Care Options

Long-Term Home Care, 24 Hour Home Care & Short Term Care Options Customized for You