450 Hespeler Road Unit G211, Office #4 Cambridge, ON N1R 0E3, Canada

About Comfort Keepers

Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and other adults in need of assistance with daily activities. Our highly trained and dedicated caregivers can help your loved one stay in their home for as long as safely possible—a dream come true for many elders.

Areas Served

Uplifting In-Home Care Services for Seniors & Other Adults Right Where You Need It. Comfort Keepers Cambridge, ON provides in home care services and senior care in the following cities in Cambridge: Cambridge

eldercare by our caregivers

About You

Being involved in your loved one’s care is important since you are the person who knows them the most. You know everything about their needs, wants, desires and preferences, likes and dislikes, habits, routines, concerns and all the other things that make them an individual.

Comfort Keepers Code of Ethics

We, at Comfort Keepers, are committed to being an integral part of the communities we serve. We are responsible for acting professionally and in a client-centered manner, upholding the dignity and honor of our clients, and practicing in agreement with ethical principles. This Code of Ethics is intended to provide Comfort Keepers with specific ethical principles to use when addressing situations that may be encountered and as a guide for managing relationships with clients; family members and others in the support team; other health care practitioners; and the public. This code is intend to complement laws, codes, and standards of professional practice.

ADVOCACY: Comfort Keepers has the responsibility to help improve the awareness, accessibility, and quality of our services by advocating on behalf of our clients. Comfort Keepers will seek guidance both internally and externally for those situations that could place the organization and/or its clients at risk.

CLIENT AND EMPLOYEE SAFETY: Comfort Keepers recognizes that the community setting represents a unique environment for health sector employees. Comfort Keepers will take available steps to assess and minimize risk to clients while being sensitive to their wishes. Comfort Keepers will also take necessary measures to ensure the personal safety of employees. Safety concerns of both clients and employees will report and addressed in a supportive and non-threatening way. After all, factors have been considered, Comfort Keepers may withdraw services if employee safety is compromised.

COMMITMENT TO QUALITY SERVICES: Comfort Keeper’s commitment is to provide the highest quality services. That will benefit our clients within their available resources.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Client information is confidential. Comfort Keepers will adhere to confidential management of client information. Also the management of Protected Health Information in compliance with provincial and PIPEDA regulations. Comfort Keepers ensures that clients and their legal substitutes have information about their rights. This includes the consent to the sharing of the necessary information with individuals and organizations directly involved in the client’s care.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No Comfort Keepers owner, employee, or sub-contracted supplier will compromise services to our clients for the benefit of the organization or individual.

DIGNITY: In all our interactions Comfort Keepers will demonstrate profound respect for human dignity.  We will be responsive and sensitive to diversity among our clients, employees, and the community at large.

FAIR AND EQUITABLE ACCESS: According to Comfort Keepers, each individual has a right to an unbiased assessment of their needs. Comfort Keepers will ensure that services are provided based solely on the client’s needs. It will be regardless of income, age, gender, ethnicity, physical or mental ability, or any other factors.

HEALTH AND WELL BEING:  Comfort Keepers will use a holistic approach to clients’ health care needs. This will be acknowledging all things important to them in their community.

INFORMED CHOICE AND EMPOWERMENT: Comfort Keepers believe that most individuals have the right to make decisions about their health. Comfort Keepers will assist clients to make care plans. Also we will help you to make life choices in keeping with the client’s values, beliefs, and health care goals. Comfort Keepers ensures that clients have full information about their options. Also, they will ensure that the clients have the information needed to make informed decisions about their health and care. Following due process, if the client is incapable of making these decisions, we will take directions from the client’s legal substitute.

RELATIONSHIPS AMONG COMMUNITY AGENCIES:  Comfort Keepers fully appreciate the complexity and need for coordination that can often arise in the care of a client. We agree to respect each organization’s role. Also, we agree to work together in the spirit of collaboration. Because it will maximize the effectiveness of client services, regardless of any potential competitive aspect of the relationship.

Individualized Home Care Options

Long-Term Home Care, 24 Hour Home Care & Short Term Care Options Customized for You