When most families have a family member in need of In Home Care For Seniors, they look to an assisted living facility for assistance. While this usually provides some of the assistance they need, it also can bring some difficulties. Finding a facility you can trust with your loved ones’ unique needs, as well as one close enough to conveniently visit them is one challenge. Another is the fact that most people don’t want to be taken out of their homes and put in a facility. Fortunately, there is another option. At Comfort Keepers Georgian Triangle, we offer 24-hour home care, so your beloved elder can get the care they need from the comfort of their own home.
When your loved one becomes our client, we have one of our home care coordinators assess your loved one’s home, as well as their medical condition, their dietary needs and restrictions, their care expectations, and even their interests and hobbies to create an in home care for an elderly plan tailored to their needs. These care plans are unique to each client and can take the form of anything from 24-hour in home care for elderly seniors, to just a few hours of assistance a week depending on the client’s needs.
With a caregiver assisting your loved one, you can expect a noticeable increase in their health, happiness and well being. That’s because our caregivers do more than just medical assistance, they also provide a wide variety of additional services such as:
When you have a loved one in our care, you can rest easy at night knowing they are getting the assistance they need when they need it. If you would like to learn more about our in home care services, or you are interested in becoming a care provider, please call us today at (705) 293-5553.
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