August 15, 2023
Pneumonia may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, and results in inflammation and decreased circulation to one or both of the lungs. As circulation to the lungs decreases, oxygen in the blood declines. While cases of pneumonia can range from mild to severe, seniors are much more susceptible to this disease than normal, healthy […]
Canadian Census data showed that about one-quarter (24.6%) of the population aged 65 and over now live alone. Consider these facts from the Administration on Aging: People over 65 have an average life expectancy of almost 20 more years, which is a long time to live alone. While 72 percent of men over 65 are […]
Seniors require fewer calories as they age, so it is important that the foods they do consume are beneficial to their health. Here is a list of 10 foods that are simple to purchase and prepare, as well as being full of nutrients and vitamins that should help to combat the effects of aging. Fish: […]
Imagine planning your life around the fear that you may lose bladder control. Perhaps you’ll begin to dine with friends less or skip social functions to avoid the embarrassment of frequent trips to the bathroom. While the prevalence of urinary incontinence increases with age, it is not a normal part of aging. It can, however, […]
Did you know that every year over the age of 40, our metabolism slows? Though our nutritional requirements stay almost the same as younger adults, our energy needs decrease. To keep our bodies feeling good and functioning well, we need to be aware of how our diet needs are evolving as we age. Every […]
Recovering from a health episode can be challenging, but for seniors, who are socially isolated and struggling with loneliness, readjustment can be especially tricky—isolation and loneliness just may increase the odds that they will end up returning to the hospital. There is evidence that loneliness and social isolation negatively affects physical health, not just mental […]
When it comes time to surrender independence to assisted care, there can be conflict between a senior and their care givers/family. Often with trying to force a change, conflict can arise if the senior doesn’t acknowledge their deficits and accept help. If you find yourself in a situation like this, here are some things to […]
NOW is the Time to Talk with Your Parents about Senior Housing and Care! If you dread approaching the subject with your parents about senior housing and care you are not alone. For most of us this conversation is right up there with having “The Talk” with our teens about the birds and the bees […]
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