Uncategorized | September 21, 2024
Why you should hire a PSW for your loved ones is a quick read about these professionals whom you’ve heard so little about and yet need more than you can imagine. Because we all love our seniors – their wisdom, their stories, and let’s face it, their ability to remind us that the world didn’t always revolve around Wi-Fi. But as much as we treasure them, life can get busy. From juggling work, family, and that ever-growing Netflix queue, it can be hard to find time to accompany our elderly loved ones to all their errands and appointments. It can feel like a full-time job and add more stress to your already hectic lives.
So who are these mystical practitioners? The Personal Support Worker (PSW) are an ancient order of unsung heroes. Think of them as practical, accessible home health care professionals! If you’ve ever wondered whether hiring a PSW is worth it, let me assure you that it’s not just worth it; it’s essential. And here’s why.
Sure, you *could* take grandma and rush her through the grocery store as though the sands of time are running low. But that wouldn’t be nice, nor would it be fair. But, alas, there is this PSW person who can turn a simple trip to the store into a leisurely outing. Plus, the PSW won’t lose their patience when your grandpa decides he needs to touch, tap, and listen to every melon to check for the only one in the pile that is ripe. And that, folks, is the first reason why you should hire a PSW for your loved ones.
Answer this honestly: have you ever tried to decipher the notes your loved one brings home from the doctor? “The doctor said something about my…uh…glucose amphitheatre?” Yeah, we’ve all been there. Medical appointments can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially for seniors. Especially when they’re dealing with a barrage of medical terms, instructions, and follow-up dates. A PSW can accompany your loved one to these appointments and help decode the doctor-talk into something that actually makes sense. You’ll no longer have to play amateur medical detective, and your loved one won’t feel lost in a sea of confusing terminology. Call it a win-win and another reason why you should hire a PSW for your loved ones.
Ok, let’s be honest; we all wish we had time to go to Bingo night or that Tuesday morning water aerobics class with our loved ones. But reality hits us and sometimes you just can’t swing it between your 9-to-5 and binge-watching America’s Got Talent. Luckily, a PSW can step in and be the ultimate companion for these fun activities. They can play cards, attend church events, or just enjoy a picnic at the park together. They got it covered. A PSW makes sure your loved one stays active, engaged, and surrounded by people. They can even be their partner-in-crime during those super competitive bingo nights.
Let’s face it: life is chaotic. Sometimes your phone feels like it’s glued to your hand for everything except actually calling your loved one to check in. We’re all guilty of it doing this: saying “I’ll call you right back,” only to realize three days later that we never did. A PSW can be that presence. They can check in, make sure your loved one is comfortable, and keeps and keep them company. Because knowing someone is there for your senior when you’re stuck at work or in traffic takes the weight off your shoulders. Plus, your loved one won’t have to wait for you to “find time” to help them pick up their meds or get to that next knitting circle.
Look, I get it, we love our seniors, but that doesn’t mean we’re able to do it all. Managing our own lives is difficult enough. Add to that trying to keep up with our elderly loved ones’ needs and it can be a lot. Hiring a PSW ensures that they get the attention and care they need, even when your schedule is out of control. This way, you get to show up for them in the ways that matter most. That, and without feeling like you’re falling short. And that is another important reason why you should hire a PSW for your loved ones.
Hiring a Personal Support Worker isn’t just about convenience. It’s about way more than that. It involves giving your senior loved ones the best care possible, even when you’re stretched thin. It entails helping them enjoy their independence, hobbies, and the occasional afternoon of browsing every canned good at the grocery store. It’s also about saving yourself from a mountain of guilt. Oh, and did we forget those last-minute trips to pick up life-saving prescription refills. So, the next time you’re considering whether or not to bring in a PSW, just do it? Because you’re not just hiring a helper, you’re enlisting a pro. Why not make life richer, easier, and a whole lot more fun for your loved one (and you). And let’s be real here; you can’t put a price on sanity.
Comfort Keepers senior care of Hamilton, Kitchener, and Waterloo has been helping seniors lead healthy, active, and enjoyable lifestyles for over two decades in North America. We understand the challenges of the golden years, we know what our seniors are capable of achieving, and we offer companionship and care that helps empower seniors to sustain their autonomy, maintain good health, and enjoy their time in retirement.
Our trained caregivers can make your day-to-day life easier and help you make the most of your time, rendering it a relaxing and enjoyable experience. At Comfort Keepers Kitchener and Waterloo senior care, we can help you achieve your tasks so that you can focus on the things that matter. We help our clients find joy by elevating the human spirit.
Call us today for more information on how we can serve your needs.
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