April 13, 2022
A Closer Look at Strokes A Closer Look at Strokes – Stroke is the third largest killer of Canadian adults, after heart disease and cancer. It’s also the primary cause of physical disabilities and is second only to Alzheimer’s disease as a cause of mental disability. While people at any age can be susceptible to […]
Seniors and the Road to Quality Sleep Quality Sleep, Not Quantity for Seniors Seniors and the Road to Quality Sleep – The older we get, the harder it becomes to get a good night’s sleep. Beginning in our late 20s, there’s a steep decline in the amount of deep sleep we get each night – and […]
Malnutrition: A Serious Concern for Seniors Malnutrition: A Serious Concern for Seniors – We all know that we feel better when we eat well. Good eating habits, and being mindful of healthy eating goals, can improve mental and physical health, and give us the energy we need to do the activities we love. Unfortunately, too […]
Seniors and Blood Pressure Management The Silent Killer 53% of Canadians aged 60 to 79 have high blood pressure (or hypertension). Seniors and Blood Pressure Management – It’s especially concerning considering that high blood pressure contributes significantly to the risk of health conditions that thousands face each year, such as heart attack, stroke, chronic heart failure, […]
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