Uncategorized | November 6, 2017
November is diabetes awareness month. This brings more attention to the disease, and cause those living with the disease to look for ways to manage it. This is especially important during the holiday season, because eating the wrong foods, missing out on exercise and not getting enough rest can threaten the well-being of seniors.
Enlisting the services of a home health aide is an essential way for seniors to live healthy lives while managing their diabetes. There are many contributions that aides make to the lives of aging adults. For seniors living with diabetes, it is essential to have someone to help them practice healthy eating and exercise habits, especially during the holiday season.
Diabetics fail to practice healthy eating during the holidays more than any other time of the year. This is significantly true for those who have spent the year eating and exercising as they should. They feel that they have the option of eating what they want or skipping the exercise because they always maintain those areas of life. This is a myth that can lead to illness or hospitalization during the holidays. Home health aides can make sure that proper meals are prepare and can provide tips on the best food to eat when dining out.
We all know how hard it is to exercise every day. This is especially true for seniors with diabetes. During the holidays, home health aides can encourage aging adults to walk around the park or do other physical activity that will keep their weight maintained and their sugar levels at a good number.
The holidays are filled with family, friends, food and alcohol. Feel free to overdose on the family and friends, but seniors living with diabetes must watch their food intake and limit their alcohol consumption. It is not necessary to refrain completely from alcohol, but make sure to only consume one or two drinks during the week of festivities.
Home health aides work with families to ensure that aging adults living with diabetes are being taken care of during the holiday season. It’s easy to become confused and overwhelmed with all that’s going on. The presence of an aide can make it easier for seniors to cope with the chaos, while maintaining a healthy living regimen. If you would like to know more about how our home health aides can bring care to your loved one, contact us today!
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