February 9, 2025
Vision loss can be devastating, as it can be a major contributor to the loss of independence and poor quality of life in older persons. Luckily, there are options for seniors with this disability, through elderly care and other medical services. Vision Loss of Seniors Seniors suffering from vision loss may also be struggling […]
Over the last few years, you’ve probably seen charts and statistics showing the United States as one of the world’s most obese countries. Turn on the news and you’ll often see coverage on this issue, as it’s often referred to as a “national epidemic.” Despite valiant attempts to promote proper nutrition and exercise, our issue […]
Medical advancements have made knee and hip replacements a common occurrence for older adults and many times, family and close friends provide in home care for their senior loved ones with recovery. They can get the patient back to independent living as quickly as possible. Think about the following suggestions if you’re going to assist […]
Compared to young adults, aging family members and friends have a greater risk of dehydration. Aging family members and friends are also more susceptible to electrolyte and fluid imbalances, which often result from prescribed medications that have caused a diminished sense of thirst. It is important to keep your loved ones fully hydrated by monitoring […]
Sometimes seniors suffer from malnutrition because they simply don’t want to make a meal for just one person. Often aging adults report that they suffer their loneliest feelings during meals because they eat alone and don’t have anyone to talk with during meal times. An easy way to ensure your loved one has proper meals […]
Be Aware of the Signs and Symptoms of Stroke Because a stroke sometimes causes disability or death, it must be treated quickly as a medical emergency. A stroke occurs if the brain’s blood supply becomes interrupted or severely reduced. Sometimes this is a result of a sudden arterial blockage, or sometimes from brain tissue bleeding […]
Protect Skin in Summer Finally, summer is just around the corner and everyone, including our aging adults in home health care, will be able to take advantage of the warmer outdoors. Getting ample time outdoors is a benefit in many ways, yet it can be detrimental to skin, especially older skin. To protect adult skin […]
With the debut of spring, many seniors, with the assistance of our home care services, can take advantage of the warming weather with some light gardening outdoors. In addition, aging adults typically are uplifted by flowers and fresh produce and gardening offers them other benefits, as well. Some of these benefits include: Exercise Engaging in gardening […]
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