Blog | May 11, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on us all. Senior adults are no exception. A vulnerable group to begin with, seniors face physical, mental and emotional challenges as a result of the pandemic. Older adults are among the highest at risk for contracting and succumbing to Covid-19. Their mental, emotional and cognitive health have also been negatively affected because of the loneliness and isolation that result from quarantine measures. The importance of companionship care for seniors has never been more clear.
The risk of Covid-19 to older adults continues to be very real. As people age, their immune systems are less robust. People over 60 are more likely to be living with conditions like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. So their “susceptibility to the virus” is higher than other, younger people.
The World Health Organization data from April 2020 shows that more than 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among people over 60 years of age, and more than half of all deaths occurred in people of 80 years and above. – Seniors First BC
Because seniors are more at risk from Covid-19, many have been living in fear since the beginning of the pandemic. Sadly, anxiety, restlessness, loneliness and even cognitive decline have been a common part of the senior experience.
While quarantine measures were necessary to keep our loved ones safe, they took a toll on senior mental health.
Before the arrival of Covid-19, a senior’s mental health was already at risk. According to a report published by the National Seniors Council in 2013 “1 in 4 seniors lives with a mental health problem (e.g. depression, anxiety or dementia) or illness, and 10 to 15% of adults 65 years or older and living in the community suffer from depression.”
Since the onset of the pandemic, that risk has grown.
Seniors have struggled to maintain family and social connections. Avoiding the virus has limited time spent in-person with friends and loved ones. This, in turn, has made it harder for seniors to build and keep a sense of community.
For some, isolation, stress and loneliness have led to depression and other mental health problems. In fact, a national team of researchers found that “older adults had twice the odds of depressive symptoms during the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic, with those who were already marginalized or socially isolated faring far worse.”
Connection and community are vital to the health and happiness of seniors. The realities of the pandemic have made this even more clear. For many seniors, these past two years have been a lonely and even isolating time of life.
The loss of friendship, family support and community belonging has been one of the hardest burdens to bear during the pandemic. And, as we’ve seen, it has taken a toll on the mental health of our elderly. Not only does a lack of companionship increase a senior’s risk for depression and loneliness, studies have shown it:
Companionship is a source of joy and comfort for seniors. Research shows it is also one of the most important aspects of living a long and healthy life. Seniors who have regular companionship:
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, finding ways to address and correct the loneliness and isolation faced by many seniors is important.
The loneliness and isolation experienced by seniors during the pandemic is well documented. Studies continue to show us the serious impact it has had on the mental health of elderly adults. Part of the solution is simple: companionship.
The contributions of family caregivers cannot be overstated. But, for many families, it isn’t realistic to assume that one member (or several members) of a family can shoulder the responsibility of caring for the physical, emotional and social needs of a senior parent or loved one..
Adding an in-home caregiver to your elderly loved one’s support team is the first step toward rebuilding and maintaining their mental health. The in-home companionship care services offered by Comfort Keepers Peterborough can include tasks and activities like:
The options are limited only by the senior client’s abilities and interests.
The relationships formed between caregivers and their senior clients help foster real moments of joy. Seniors are more likely to feel engaged and valued when they have a companion to share experiences and reflections with. And, the presence of an in-home caregiver also ensures that the early signs of depression, anxiety or cognitive decline don’t go unnoticed.
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a real toll on seniors’ mental health. Being at high risk from the virus has left many older adults living in a state of fear. Whatsmore, the steps taken to ensure the physical health of our senior community have left them feeling lonely and isolated. As a result, the number of seniors coping with depression, anxiety and cognitive decline has sharply increased.
Fortunately, one of the most effective cures for loneliness and isolation is companionship. And, when family and friends can’t be there, in-home caregivers can step in to fill the gap.If you or a senior loved one need the connection and comfort that come with in-home companionship care for seniors, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about how our caregivers can provide meaningful companionship to the seniors in your family.
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