Senior Health and Wellbeing | November 29, 2023
Prevent falls and maintain your independence! Falls are the primary cause of injuries and hospitalizations among seniors in Canada. They can lead to pain, loss of independence, and a move to a care facility. However, most falls can be prevented.
Living safely at home requires adapting your environment, behaviour, and lifestyle to the changes that come with age. Ensure your home is safe by installing brighter lighting, decluttering your floors, rearranging furniture, and using assistive devices. Stay healthy and active by eating well and consulting with a health professional about exercise programs. This will help you maintain balance and strength to prevent falls and serious injury.
By making changes to your home and lifestyle, you can prevent falls and maintain your independence.
Did you know that most indoor falls happen in the bedroom and bathroom? To prevent falls and stay safe, consider following these home safety tips.
Learn more about safe living by checking out indoor and outdoor home safety checklists, and information on safety aides, and adapting your home. Stay safe!
Public Health Agency of Canada – The Safe Living Guide: A Guide to Home Safety for Seniors
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