April 6, 2020
One of the most difficult parts of growing older is losing long-time friends. Life can get lonely as we age. This is when having a companion can help ease the symptoms of loneliness and allow life to be more enjoyable and satisfying. Comfort Keepers of Canada® at Toronto’s Interactive Caregiving™ program provides seniors with not only companionship to ease the lonely days and nights, but also assists with the tasks of daily living.
Our bodies, including our minds, deteriorate as we age. Having said that, there are many things we can do to decrease and even prevent the deterioration process. Comfort Keepers of Canada® has put together a list of exercises and activities that can help seniors remain mentally sharp as they age.
Aging has a cumulative effect; what you do in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s directly affects your health in your 60’s, 70’s, and hopefully 80’s. The key is to lead a healthy lifestyle from the start, but that isn’t always realistic. There are ways that seniors and the elderly can improve their daily lives and help fight off aging and illnesses.
With cold and flu season just around the corner, the topic of immunizations, or vaccinations, comes to mind. Seniors and the elderly often have a more difficult time during flu and cold season for various reasons; chronic conditions, compromised immune systems, and just aging immune systems all play a part in increasing a seniors risk of contracting colds, the flu, or pneumonia during the fall, winter, and even spring months.
A healthy diet delivers essential nutrients for optimal health and plays an essential role in improving the quality of life and independence of senior citizens. According to the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health, good nutrition may help seniors slow the onset of many diseases, manage the symptoms of chronic illness, lessen the impact of disease on lifestyle and boost longevity.
Many things come into play when discussing blood pressure regulation for seniors. What makes blood pressure rise and what lowers a person’s blood pressure involves a myriad of cause and affect relationships, but one relationship is proven over and over again in various studies - salt intake.
Toronto senior health blog: signs of a stroke in your elder loved ones. Aphasia is a communication disorder that occurs when the language centers of the brain sustain damage from illness, dementia, or injury. In seniors, the most common cause of aphasia is stroke.
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