April 6, 2020
Observing family holiday traditions can go a long way to adding joy and comfort to a senior’s family holiday celebration. This is also a very good time to take a closer look and observe your senior loved one to check for any health issues.
There are several ways to help seniors cope with any stress the holiday season may bring - craft making. Studies have shown a positive correlation between creativity and increased levels of happiness, hand-eye coordination, cognitive abilities, and sense of pride.
Many seniors are on a fixed budget and need to watch their overall expenses, but seniors still need to maintain a healthy diet and avoid malnutrition. This article explains how seniors can eat healthy on a budget and gives tips for maintaining senior nutrition without breaking the bank.
A total of about 4 million (1 in 8) Canadians are affected by a food-borne illness. Of these, there are about: 11,600 hospitalizations and 238 deaths. Toronto's seniors and elders living at home are at a higher risk for food poisoning. This article contains tips for senior food safety and symptoms of food-borne illness to look for in seniors.
Among Canadians aged 6 to 79, 39% had an unhealthy level of total cholesterol. Because there are seldom signs or symptoms of high blood cholesterol, many individuals are not aware that their cholesterol level may be too high. Toronto's seniors need to know the dangers of high cholesterol and talk to their doctors about frequent cholesterol testing.
According to Stats Canada, 34% of seniors living at home are at risk of not getting adequate nutrition. Seniors are particularly susceptible to malnutrition, because not only do they have different nutritional needs than younger adults, they also take more medications, and have higher rates of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Dehydration can be life-threatening for Toronto's seniors. Dehydration is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization after age 65, even though it is is one of the most common preventable medical conditions in the world. Here are tips for preventing dehydration in senior loved ones.
Several preventable diseases can cause serious illness and even death in Toronto's unvaccinated seniors. Across Canada and the U.S. it is estimated that 45,000 adults die annually from complications due to vaccine-preventable diseases.
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