April 6, 2020
Toronto respite care benefits Toronto seniors and their family caregivers. In a study, 60% of family caregivers, ages 19-64, reported “fair or poor” health and one or more chronic conditions or disabilities, compared with only 33% of non-caregivers.
Numerous studies on the effects of alcohol consumption in seniors indicate that moderate drinking by seniors can have a positive impact on general health. However, there is also a concern that heavy drinking can have adverse effects, and that alcohol abuse is often missed in the senior population.
Metabolisms change as we age. Our bodies don’t burn as many calories or function as efficiently as they once did. Unless we adjust our caloric in-take, weight can creep up. Other factors such as medications can affect weight gain also.
People over the age of 65 have the greatest risk of dying in a fire. Decreased mobility, health, sight, and hearing can limit an order adult’s ability to reach safety in time leading to an increased risk of injury and even death. The question is, how do we as caregivers reduce that risk?
Sometimes it is hard to determine when your elderly loved one is feeling down and when they are depressed. At what point does feeling down turn into clinical depression? Is it situational or seasonal? Depression is a tricky disease and one that often hides behind symptoms that easily mimic other illnesses.
Observing family holiday traditions can go a long way to adding joy and comfort to a senior’s family holiday celebration. This is also a very good time to take a closer look and observe your senior loved one to check for any health issues.
There are several ways to help seniors cope with any stress the holiday season may bring - craft making. Studies have shown a positive correlation between creativity and increased levels of happiness, hand-eye coordination, cognitive abilities, and sense of pride.
Many seniors are on a fixed budget and need to watch their overall expenses, but seniors still need to maintain a healthy diet and avoid malnutrition. This article explains how seniors can eat healthy on a budget and gives tips for maintaining senior nutrition without breaking the bank.
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